Thursday, July 31, 2008

Keeping Your Penis Erect And The Shotgun Out Of Your Mouth

As I mentioned in my previous post, I have a very good friend named Tivo. One of the advantages of having Tivo is that I am able to skip commercials if I am watching a previously recorded show (unfortunately there is no way to fast forward during live television). Since I've had a Tivo there are two things that I've noticed while watching shows on a Tivo-less TV: 1) there are a shit load of commercials on TV-- a normal half hour show is reduced to 20-21 minutes of content while an hour long show has about 40-43 minutes and 2) there are a lot of commercials for pills that cater to all types of needs. The most common pill commercials are selling a future without erectile disfunction, herpes outbreaks or crippling depression. One thing that all of these commercials have in common is that the characters are almost always seen walking (or biking, running or frolicking) through a field or some type of wooded area. In the case of commercials for Cialis, one of the many boner pills advertised, characters will sometimes appear in matching bathtubs with their spouse as they watch the sun set in a field. We Americans live in a capitalist society and we are also compulsive consumers. We are constantly bombarded by advertisements. There are ads in our newspapers, magazines, web pages, TV shows, movies, radio broadcasts, in our sky and along the road. We are always being told what to buy and that these products will make us happy and improve our lives. We keep buying bullshit items that don't satisfy us so we have to find the next great product to make our lives complete. This country is one big commercial cesspool and you have to wonder when and where it will all end for us. I like to be able to share my own thoughts, but George Carlin said it best so I'll let him speak: "I think we're already 'circling the drain' as a species, and I'd love to see the circles get a little faster and a little shorter." Call me paranoid, but I can forsee a future in which advertisements are catered to the individual and wherever you turn another company is trying to sell their product to you and they address you by name. This future is not unlike the one presented in "Minortiy Report", and I only hope that I'm not around to see it. This post was meant to be a short one, and I ended up with a rambling and incoherent entry. I never claimed to be a good writer and I am hopeful that future posts will be better. Good night nurse.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Test Post

I now have a blog. So do millions (if not billions) of others around the world. What makes this blog any different from the others? At the moment, nothing really. In my time here I will write about many of the things that pop into my head. Any topic that I want to write about will be addressed, and nothing and I mean nothing is sacred. I figure that anyone who is reading this can handle whatever I have to say, and if not they are free to stop reading. So, you must be wondering who I am, and you also may want to know why you should read this blog. Well, I'm a pretty normal guy. I like movies. I watch a number of different TV shows. I read lots of comic books. Don't worry though-- I am not the kind of comic book fan who is afraid of natural light and lives in their parent's basement (although I do know folks like that). I simply like to read stories that have great art to accompany the text. I read "normal" books too. I live in Austin, TX with my dog Oliver and my Tivo (which is unnamed but is also a great companion). I one day hope to work in the entertainment industry in some capacity, and I am currently working for a local film company that is producing a cable access show. Well, I guess that's all I have to say right now. Please feel free to comment on this and all subsequent posts. I hope that I can achieve my goal of posting one entry per day, even if the post is just a picture or a sentence fragment. Bye now.